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Gateway Deployment Guide

This guide will help you deploy the Gateway demo application with PostgreSQL in Kubernetes.


  • Kubernetes cluster
  • Helm v3
  • kubectl configured to work with your cluster
  • Access to GitHub Container Registry (

Setup GitHub Container Registry Secret

Before deploying, create a secret for pulling images from GitHub Container Registry:

Terminal window
kubectl create secret docker-registry ghcr-secret \ \
--docker-username=YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME \
--docker-password=YOUR_GITHUB_PAT \

Replace YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME with your GitHub username and YOUR_GITHUB_PAT with your GitHub Personal Access Token.

Deployment Steps

  1. Deploy PostgreSQL database:
Terminal window
make install-postgres
  1. Wait for PostgreSQL to be ready:
Terminal window
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -l -n demo
  1. Deploy the Gateway application:
Terminal window
make install-gateway


  1. Check if all pods are running:
Terminal window
kubectl get pods -n demo
  1. Access the API: The API will be available at:

Example endpoints:

  • GET /gachi_teams - List all teams
  • GET /gachi_personas - List all personas

Useful Commands

  • Get PostgreSQL password:
Terminal window
make get-password
  • Upgrade Gateway configuration:
Terminal window
make upgrade-gateway
  • Upgrade PostgreSQL configuration:
Terminal window
make upgrade-postgres


To remove the deployment:

  1. Uninstall Gateway:
Terminal window
make uninstall-gateway
  1. Uninstall PostgreSQL:
Terminal window
make uninstall-postgres


The deployment uses two main configuration files:

  • values.gateway.yaml - Gateway configuration
  • values.postgres.yaml - PostgreSQL configuration

Modify these files to customize your deployment.