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Postgresql Ecommerce Sample

This guide explains how to set up a PostgreSQL database using Docker and restore the E-commerce sample database.


  • Docker installed on your system
  • curl or wget for downloading the sample database
  • unzip utility installed
  • git installed

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the repository:
Terminal window
git clone
cd gateway/example/postgresql-ecommerce-sample
  1. Download the sample database:
Terminal window
curl -O
  1. Make the setup script executable:
Terminal window
chmod +x
  1. Run the setup script:
Terminal window

The script will automatically:

  • Extract the sample data files
  • Pull and start PostgreSQL container
  • Create the database schema
  • Import all the data from CSV files


To verify the setup was successful, you can connect to the database and check the tables:

Terminal window
docker exec -it some-postgres psql -U postgres -d sampledb -c "\dt"

Connection Details

You can use these connection details to connect to the database:

  • Host: localhost
  • Port: 5432
  • Database: sampledb
  • Username: postgres
  • Password: mysecretpassword

Create a connection.yaml file with these settings:

Terminal window
echo "hosts:
- localhost
user: postgres
password: mysecretpassword
database: sampledb
port: 5432" > connection.yaml

Or manually create connection.yaml with this content:

- localhost
user: postgres
password: mysecretpassword
database: sampledb
port: 5432

Database Schema


The E-commerce database includes the following tables:

  • fact_table (main transactions)
  • payment_dim (payment details)
  • customer_dim (customer information)
  • item_dim (product details)
  • store_dim (store locations)
  • time_dim (time dimension for analysis)

Data source: This dataset is based on the Kaggle E-commerce Dataset


To stop and remove the container:

Terminal window
docker stop some-postgres
docker rm some-postgres