OAuth Plugin
Provides OAuth 2.0 authentication and claim-based authorization for endpoints.
- Wrapper
- Swaggerer
Implements OAuth 2.0 authentication with support for various providers (Google, GitHub, Auth0, Keycloak, Okta). Validates access tokens and manages method-level access permissions.
Authentication Flow
Initial Setup
- Configure the OAuth plugin with provider credentials
- Register your application with the OAuth provider
- Set up redirect URL in both plugin config and provider settings
Authorization Flow
- Client initiates auth by accessing:
- Gateway redirects to provider’s consent page
- After user consent, provider redirects back to gateway’s callback URL
- Gateway exchanges the code for access token
- Returns token to client for future requests
- Client initiates auth by accessing:
Protected Endpoint Access
- Client includes token in requests:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
- Gateway validates token with provider
- If valid and has required scopes, request proceeds
- If invalid or insufficient scopes, returns 401/403
- Client includes token in requests:
oauth: provider: "google" # OAuth provider (google, github, auth0, keycloak, okta) client_id: "xxx" # OAuth Client ID client_secret: "xxx" # OAuth Client Secret redirect_url: "http://localhost:8080/oauth/callback" # OAuth callback URL auth_url: "/oauth/authorize" # Gateway's authorization endpoint (optional) callback_url: "/oauth/callback" # Gateway's callback endpoint (optional) scopes: # Required access scopes - "profile" - "email" token_header: "Authorization" # Header name for the token (default: "Authorization") user_info_url: "" # User info endpoint URL (required for Auth0) introspection_url: "" # Token introspection endpoint (required for Keycloak/Okta) authorization_rules: # Public access to health check methods - methods: ["GetHealth", "GetVersion"] allow_public: true
# Only administrators can manage users - methods: ["CreateUser", "DeleteUser", "UpdateUser"] require_all_claims: true claim_rules: - claim: "roles" operation: "contains" value: "admin" - claim: "org.type" operation: "eq" value: "internal"
# API access only for verified users - methods: ["GetUserProfile"] claim_rules: - claim: "email_verified" operation: "eq" value: "true"
# Access only for specific organization - methods: ["GetOrganizationData", "UpdateOrganizationData"] require_all_claims: true claim_rules: - claim: "org.id" operation: "eq" value: "{{.OrganizationID}}" # Support for request parameters - claim: "org.status" operation: "eq" value: "active"
# Regular expression check - methods: ["GetDepartmentData"] claim_rules: - claim: "department" operation: "regex" value: "^(HR|Finance|IT)$"
Built-in Endpoints
The plugin automatically adds these endpoints to your gateway:
1. Authorization Endpoint
GET /oauth/authorize
Initiates the OAuth flow by redirecting to the provider’s consent page.
2. Callback Endpoint
GET /oauth/callback
Handles the OAuth provider’s redirect callback:
- Exchanges authorization code for access token
- Returns token to client
- Optionally redirects to specified URL with token
Provider-Specific Configuration
oauth: provider: "google" client_id: "xxx.apps.googleusercontent.com" client_secret: "xxx" scopes: - "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile" - "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email"
oauth: provider: "github" client_id: "xxx" client_secret: "xxx" scopes: - "read:user" - "user:email"
oauth: provider: "auth0" client_id: "xxx" client_secret: "xxx" user_info_url: "https://your-tenant.auth0.com/userinfo" scopes: - "openid" - "profile" - "email"
oauth: provider: "keycloak" client_id: "xxx" client_secret: "xxx" introspection_url: "https://your-keycloak/auth/realms/your-realm/protocol/openid-connect/token/introspect" scopes: - "openid" - "profile"
oauth: provider: "okta" client_id: "xxx" client_secret: "xxx" introspection_url: "https://your-org.okta.com/oauth2/v1/introspect" scopes: - "openid" - "profile"
Security Considerations
- Always use HTTPS in production
- Keep client_secret secure
- Validate redirect_urls to prevent open redirect vulnerabilities
- Implement state parameter to prevent CSRF attacks (implemented by default)
- Validate tokens on every request
- Use appropriate scopes - principle of least privilege
- Configure proper CORS settings when using as API gateway
- Regularly rotate client secrets
- Monitor and log authentication attempts
Authorization Rules
The plugin supports flexible claim-based authorization rules that can be applied to specific methods or groups of methods.
Rule Configuration
oauth: # ... other oauth config ... authorization_rules: # Public access to health check methods - methods: ["GetHealth", "GetVersion"] allow_public: true
# Only administrators can manage users - methods: ["CreateUser", "DeleteUser", "UpdateUser"] require_all_claims: true claim_rules: - claim: "roles" operation: "contains" value: "admin" - claim: "org.type" operation: "eq" value: "internal"
# API access only for verified users - methods: ["GetUserProfile"] claim_rules: - claim: "email_verified" operation: "eq" value: "true"
# Access only for specific organization - methods: ["GetOrganizationData", "UpdateOrganizationData"] require_all_claims: true claim_rules: - claim: "org.id" operation: "eq" value: "{{.OrganizationID}}" # Support for request parameters - claim: "org.status" operation: "eq" value: "active"
# Regular expression check - methods: ["GetDepartmentData"] claim_rules: - claim: "department" operation: "regex" value: "^(HR|Finance|IT)$"
Supported Operations
- Exact value matchne
- Value is not equalcontains
- Array contains valueregex
- Value matches regular expressionexists
- Check if claim exists
Claim Path Syntax
Supports access to nested fields using dot notation and array indices:
- simple fieldorg.name
- nested fieldgroups[0]
- array elementorg.departments[0].name
- combination of nesting
Dynamic Values
Request parameters are supported in rule values using Go template syntax:
- value from request parameters{{.Method}}
- method name{{.Path}}
- request path
- Basic Role-Based Authorization:
authorization_rules: - methods: ["CreateUser", "DeleteUser"] claim_rules: - claim: "roles" operation: "contains" value: "admin"
- Organization Membership Check:
authorization_rules: - methods: ["GetOrganizationData"] require_all_claims: true claim_rules: - claim: "org.id" operation: "eq" value: "{{.OrganizationID}}" - claim: "org.status" operation: "eq" value: "active"
- Email Domain Check:
authorization_rules: - methods: ["InternalAPI"] claim_rules: - claim: "email" operation: "regex" value: "@company\\.com$"
- Public Methods:
authorization_rules: - methods: ["GetPublicData", "Health"] allow_public: true
Configuration Examples
1. Public API with Location-Restricted Events
This example demonstrates how to configure a public API where all methods are accessible to everyone, except for specific methods that require users to be located in Berlin. This can be useful for local community events, regional features, or location-specific content.
oauth: provider: "github" client_id: "xxx" client_secret: "xxx" redirect_url: "http://localhost:8080/oauth/callback" scopes: - "read:user" - "user:email" authorization_rules: # Default rule - make all methods public - methods: ["*"] allow_public: true
# Override for Berlin-only community events - methods: - "RegisterForBerlinCommunityEvent" - "GetBerlinEventDetails" - "UpdateBerlinEventRegistration" require_all_claims: true claim_rules: - claim: "location" operation: "eq" value: "Berlin"
# Optional: Additional rules can be added for specific methods - methods: ["UpdateUserProfile"] claim_rules: - claim: "type" operation: "eq" value: "User"