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Presidio Anonymizer Plugin


This plugin integrates with Microsoft’s Presidio to analyze and anonymize sensitive data in your fields. The plugin uses two Presidio services:

  • Analyzer API for detecting PII entities
  • Anonymizer API for anonymizing detected entities

This plugin integrates with Microsoft’s Presidio Anonymizer API to anonymize sensitive data in your fields. The Presidio anonymizer is module for anonymizing detected PII text entities with desired values.

Microsoft's Presidio demo


anonymize_url: http://localhost:8080/anonymize
analyzer_url: http://localhost:8080/analyze
language: en
hash_type: md5 # Optional, used for hash operator
encrypt_key: "" # Optional, used for encrypt operator
operator: mask
masking_char: "*"
chars_to_mask: 4
- type: PERSON
operator: replace
new_value: "[REDACTED]"
operator: hash
operator: encrypt

Configuration Parameters

  • anonymize_url: Required. The URL of your Presidio Anonymizer API endpoint.
  • analyzer_url: Required. The URL of your Presidio Analyzer API endpoint.
  • language: Optional. Language for the analyzer (default: “en”).
  • hash_type: Optional. Hash algorithm for “hash” operator (e.g., “md5”, “sha256”).
  • encrypt_key: Optional. Encryption key for “encrypt” operator.
  • anonymizer_rules: List of anonymization rules that will be applied to detected entities.

Each rule contains:

  • type: The type of PII to detect (e.g., “PERSON”, “EMAIL_ADDRESS”, “PHONE_NUMBER”, etc.)
  • operator: The anonymization operation. Supported values:
    • mask: Mask the value with a character
    • replace: Replace with a new value
    • hash: Hash the value using specified algorithm
    • encrypt: Encrypt the value using provided key
  • masking_char: Used with “mask” operator - the character to use for masking
  • chars_to_mask: Used with “mask” operator - number of characters to mask
  • new_value: Used with “replace” operator - the value to replace the detected PII with



"email": "",
"name": "John Doe",
"phone": "+1-555-123-4567",
"description": "Contact John Doe at or +1-555-123-4567"


"email": "****",
"name": "John Doe",
"phone": "+1-555-123-4567",
"description": "Contact <PERSON> at **** or +<IN_PAN>4567"


  1. The plugin first uses Presidio Analyzer to detect PII entities in the text
  2. Then it applies the configured anonymization rules to the detected entities
  3. If no PII is detected, the original data is returned unchanged
  4. Each anonymization operator requires specific parameters:
    • mask: requires masking_char and chars_to_mask
    • replace: requires new_value
    • hash: uses global hash_type configuration
    • encrypt: uses global encrypt_key configuration
  5. The anonymization is applied to all detected entities of the specified type in the text